Last updated: 6 Aug 2024 | 10092 Views |
vitamin D deficiency
Rickets disease is a disease that affects the bones of children. Osteomalacia is a bone disorder in adults. In children, it is caused by underdeveloped and fragile bones. In adults, the bone armor is thin and breaks easily as well. This disorder is caused by vitamin D deficiency. This disorder often occurs in older adults. People who work in the hospital such as nursing home, but can occur in normal people. Rickets disease is caused by the bone growth too fast to absorb. Insufficient calcium and phosphorus, such as children between 6 months and 24 years
Causes of vitamin D deficiency Caused by the bones need vitamin D to build bone mass. The absorption of calcium and phosphorus occurs in the intestines. If there is a vitamin D deficiency Show that caused by malnutrition (such as milk, cereal, fish oil) or vegetarian people. Poor absorption of vitamin D due to some anticonvulsants. have metabolic syndrome, liver or kidney disease, vitamin disorders, or insufficient exposure to sunlight Because the skin receives vitamin D from sunlight. Therefore, blacks are more likely to be deficient in the vitamin than whites. In infants, if they only eat breast milk, they are deficient in vitamin D. because there is less in breast milk
In adults there will be chronic back pain and muscle pain. and the risk of fractures easily Children who are deprived are slower to grow and break more easily than normal children. Pain in the arms, legs, back, pelvis deformed leg bones and deformed spine tooth decay Other symptoms such as fever and inadequate rest Muscles do not develop and contract.
from past history taking and physical examination Collect blood and urine samples. X-ray to look at the structure of the bone is a small part. Bone samples are taken without endoscopy.
contains the nutrients of their Calcium and phosphorus and vitamin D, and eat foods that are full of nutrients. Good sources of vitamin D are found in salmon, bluefish mackerel, liver, milk, and orange juice in both adults and children. Should go for a walk outside often to get vitamin D from sunlight, which will help better absorption.
Things to do
Should eat foods that contain milk as an ingredient. If you are allergic to milk, eat other foods that are a good source of calcium and phosphorus.
Ask your doctor about vitamin supplements.
You should consult your doctor if you have bone pain.
don't do
Don't forget that you need to be out in the sun often to get your vitamins.
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