Last updated: 6 Aug 2024 | 13624 Views |
Dermatomyositis and POLYMYOSITIS
It is a rare disease caused by inflammation and weakness of muscles and some skin tissues, affecting both adults (ages 45 to 60) and children (ages 10 to 15). Women more than men.
cause unknown But it is thought to be an autoimmune disease. Disorders in autoimmune diseases. The immune system attacks the body's tissues. Small blood vessels in muscles and some skin tissue are damaged. which damages muscle fibers The disorder is not contagious or passed from parent to child.
Symptoms of dermatitis are a rash (on the face, chest, back, elbows, knees, and joints) and neck weakness. Muscles of the shoulders, upper arms, hips, and thighs A person may have difficulty getting out of a chair, going up stairs, lifting things, sometimes having difficulty swallowing, muscle pain, tiredness, fever, hard blisters under the skin, and weight loss occurs. The disease can also affect the lungs. heart or intestines No rash occurs in polymyositis, but the other symptoms are the same.
Your doctor will make a diagnosis based on your history, physical exam, blood test, electrocardiogram. and muscle biopsy Blood tests can show muscle breakdown. muscle inflammation or antibodies Electromyography measure muscle activity
Treatment may improve the rash and muscle strength. But some muscles may be permanently weak. However, the treatment may last for months or even years. Sometimes the disease gets better on its own. Corticosteroids, especially prednisone, are the main treatment for infections. If corticosteroids are ineffective Immunosuppressants and immunoglobulins may be tried. Topical medications (such as prednisone and tacrolimus) may be used for rashes. Muscle exercise is an important part of treatment. They're for mobility and help strengthen muscles. a physical therapist to be able to create an appropriate exercise program
Things to do
should be treated as quickly as possible
Tell your doctor if you have any side effects from the medication.
You should see your doctor immediately if you have trouble swallowing or have rapid breathing.
You should move your muscles often to prevent weakness.
Sunscreen should be applied when going outside.
It should be borne in mind that treatment takes time. combined with follow-up and drug side effects
Be aware that this disease may be related to colon, breast, ovarian cancer.
Tell your doctor if you have severe weakness.
don't do
Don't put too much pressure on yourself while working on your muscles.
Don't miss a doctor's appointment
Do not stop taking the medication on your own.
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16 Aug 2023
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