Last updated: 6 Aug 2024 | 4763 Views |
Influenza is a respiratory infection. Symptoms will occur suddenly in about 7-10 days and the duty will disappear. Some are able to withdraw on their own without treatment. However, elderly people, young children, or people with weakened immune systems There will be more severe symptoms and death from complications. Influenza spreads quickly Usually found during the rainy season and winter.
Influenza is caused by a virus. Divided into types A and B or C, which is the most common type. A person can get the virus through breathing a small droplet that can be transmitted to another person from coughing, sneezing, or coming into contact with an infected object or person. It's similar to the common cold, but worse.
Occurs immediately, occurring within 24-48 hours of exposure to the virus. worst duty and fever for about 3-5 days Fever is about 101 degrees Fahrenheit, chills, pain in the neck, weakness and tiredness, headache, eye pain when exposed to light, coughing, sneezing, sore throat, runny nose, stomach irritation (more common in children than adults). Cough and weakness will last about 6 weeks.
from duty, especially during the rainy and cold season Your doctor will perform specific lab tests, including to collect nasal secretions or blood. The doctor will perform additional chest X-rays to make sure there are no complications such as: subsequent lung infection
The best cure is rest. The common cold cannot be cured with antibiotics, but other drugs can control the symptoms. And antiviral drugs help shorten the duration of illness. If you feel unwell acetaminophen ,ibuprofen or nasal decongestants can be used. Aspirin is strictly prohibited in patients under 16 years of age because of the risk of Reye's syndrome.
warm bath heat patch Helps reduce eye muscle pain The vaporizer helps to reduce phlegm to some extent. Garlic and warm salt water can help relieve a sore throat or mouthwash can help reduce a sore throat, and drinking plenty of water is important as well.
Things to do
Drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses to reduce mucus in the lungs. Children should refrain from drinking milk. because it makes the mucus more sticky and more
Stopping smoking will help reduce potential complications.
should rest enough And rest for another 2-3 days after the symptoms began to improve.
Should wash hands often, both the patient and those close to him.
You should see your doctor immediately if your fever worsens. Have fast breathing, chest tightness, or coughing up blood. or have more phlegm have a stiff neck, etc.
You should see your doctor if you experience pain and thick, sticky secretions from your ear or sinus area.
don't do
Do not allow immunocompromised patients or keep chemo near someone who has influenza.
Do not share appliances with patients.
Do not give aspirin fever reducer to children under 16 years of age.
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