shingles or herpes

Last updated: 6 Aug 2024  |  10786 Views  | 

shingles or herpes

shingles or herpes

1. Keep the wound clean. In the blister stage with burning pain, use a clean cloth moistened with warm salt water or 3% boric acid, cover the compress for 5-10 minutes, then moisten again. Do this 3-4 times a day.

2. In the blister stage with lymphatic flow, be careful of infection. should come to wash the wound at the hospital

3. If the wound is very painful, can take painkillers such as paracetamol.

4. Do not use your fingernail to scratch the shingles blister because it may cause have a complication of a bacterial infection become pustules, wounds heal slowly, and become scars

5. Eating can eat everything without prohibition

6. Shouldn't blow or spray the medicine onto the wound This will cause bacterial infection complications, slow healing and scarring. Avoid contact with saliva. The patient's lymph, both directly and indirectly

7. If it is herpes near the eyes should consult an ophthalmologist because it may cause blindness

8. Avoid triggering recurrence. should maintain the health of the body

9. Consistently, clearing the mind get enough rest

10. If it's a reproductive organ You should refrain from having sex until recovery.

11. Pregnant women should consult a doctor May affect the fetus and during delivery.

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